TNA forced to blur referee’s face to avoid legal action

The Hardys have cameras following them around at different promotions and the footage from their matches will be airing on episodes of Impact Wrestling. Recently, Matt and Jeff Hardy defeated Super Crazy and Psicosis to capture the Crash World Tag Team Championships at Auditorio Municipal in Tijuana, Mexico.

There was one small problem. TNA received a cease and desist letter from Lucha Underground because the referee that was working in that match is under contract to them and cannot appear on another promotion’s TV show. TNA had to blur out the referee’s face. They didn’t have an option in the matter because they would face legal action. Footage from the match (with the referee blurred) can be seen below.

Matt and Jeff are the current tag team champions for TNA, Crash, and MCW. They are scheduled to face The Young Bucks at the 4/1 Supercard of Honor XI show in Lakeland, FL during WrestleMania weekend.

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