TNA Sacrifice 2014 – Full results

We will be covering TNA Sacrifice tonight. Please refresh this page for updated results.

3 on 2 handicap match – BroMans vs. The Wolves for the tag team titles – Eddie Edwards gave Christy a letter. It said that the match is now a no DQ match. The Wolves won the tag titles. Good match.

Jeremy Borash is backstage. Samuel Shaw is there by a padded wagon. He takes offense to people calling him a creepy bastard. He said he’s dedicating this match to his mother. He said “Christy, this one’s for you.” Then they showed the history video package on this angle.

Ken Anderson vs. Samuel Shaw – you have to put your opponent into the padded van in order to win this match. Shaw stalked Christy. He cornered her in the ring. He tried pulling her along with him but she refused. She slapped him and ran out of the ring. Shaw smiled and then was caught by a clothesline from Anderson. At one point Anderson had Shaw on his back and did the forward roll on the stage area. That had to hurt. Anderson hit Shaw with chair shots as they worked their way to the back. Fans changed “TNA, TNA” after Anderson threw Shaw into the guardrail. They got to the back, Anderson did some comedy. He held Shaw in a headlock and did a mock interview with Borash. Anderson put Shaw on a cart and pushed into into the equipment backstage. Crowd seems dead for this. Shaw was able to turn things around and was about to put Anderson in the van. Christy stopped Shaw and hit him in the groin. Anderson hit a mic check and threw Shaw in the padded wagon. Anderson wins.

Kurt Angle and Willow vs. Rockstar Spud and Ethan Carter III – Borash interviewed Spud and EC3. Kurt demanded that Spud get out of the ring because he wanted EC3 in the ring. Spud got scared and tagged out. Hardy dove on EC3 and Spud with his umbrella in his hand. That got a Mary Poppins chant. Willow hit a twist of fate on Spud followed by a Kurt Angle slam and then the swanton for the pin. EC3 was out of the ring when this happened. The announcers said that EC3 didn’t go in to help Spud. Kurt stares down EC3. Obviously they’re building towards Angle vs. EC3 at some point.

Eric Young backstage interviewed by the camera guy from earlier this afternoon. Then we get Knux and the girl talking in the car. Rebel says it’s just the 2 of them. Knux says that Rebel (the girl), Crazy Steve, and the freak. She doesn’t like it. I have no idea what this is all about. I guess there will be a new stable.

They showed footage from Japan of Sanada capturing the X Division title. Great video of Sanada training. It’s the video from Impact.

Sanada (X-Division champion) vs. Tigre Uno – This is the third match in the best of 3 series. Tigre Uno dove on Sanada on the outside and it looked like he caught Sanda on the collarbone. He seems ok though. Tigre Uno put Sanada into some sort of cradle/DDT move. It looked pretty cool. Sanda won the match with a moonsault. Good match. TNA can be good when they don’t over book things.

Borash interviews James Storm. Storm says that he’s the star maker. He says he’s made Gunner and his daddy a star. He said he can also break a star and he will make Gunner say “I quit.” He said that Gunner will find out that god will cut him down…”sorry…not sorry.” The showed the video package with the history of Gunner and Storm.

Gunner vs. James Storm – this match included garbage cans, guard rails, and beer bottles. Storm busted Gunner open but Gunnner refused to quit. This was a slod and plodding match. The crowd lost interest at different times in the match. There was a sick spot where Gunner set up the guardrail in between 2 chairs and suplexed Storm on it. Gunner jabbed a piece of glass into Storm’s eye to make him say “I Quit.”

Borash interviewed Velvet Sky and Angelina Love backstage.

Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne – Lots of interference from Velvet. Angelina won the Knockouts title after Velvet sprayed hair spray in Madison’s face and Love scopped up Madison for the pin.

Borash interviews Bully Ray backstage.

Bully Ray vs. Bobby Roode in a tables match – Crowd chanted “sh** factor” at Roode. The match was fine. Honestly, the wrestling has been mostly fine but everything is hurt by the lack of crowd reactions. At one point the ref was knocked out accidentally and Bully put Roode through the table but the ref didn’t see it. Bully brought in another table. Bully set up Roode on 2 tables on the outside. Bully went on top to dive on Roode when a woman dressed as a man pushed him off and through the table. Obviously Dixie Carter. The bell rang.  Fans chanted “Dixie sucks” as she removed her fake wig and beard. Pointless, stupid booking. She told Bully to never double cross her again and called him a piece of trash. The ref never got up from his bump earlier so it’s not clear who won the match or why the bell rung if the ref never called for it but Tenay declared Bobby Roode the winner.

Borash interviewed Magnus backstage. Then they played highlights of Eric Young’s career starting with the Team Canada years.

Magnus vs. Eric Young for the TNA World Heavyweight title – Good match and the crowd was into it. Taz got a funny line in when Magnus got the camel clutch and said that Magnus was trying to humble Eric Young (an Iron Sheik reference). Eric Young retains after a flying elbow off the top after hitting a piledriver.

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