TNA Star’s Contract Has Expired

TNA had a lot of turnover with its talents at the start of the new year. Some left because the promotion decided not to renew their deal, while others opted to seek out what free agency had for them.

Jordynne Grace made an appearance on the latest episode of Insight With Chris Van Vliet to discuss a wide range of topics, including her husband, Jonathan Gresham. She noted that Gresham is a free agent when asked what was next for them. Grace has reportedly signed a multi-year deal with WWE.

“I don’t think either of us know, actually. His contract [is up]. He has a few conversations to have, and probably by the time this interview comes out, everyone will know what’s going on with him, too.”

Gresham last wrestled for TNA during the Impact tapings in Atlanta, GA in December. Gresham is a former ROH World Champion and had worked for TNA since 2022.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Insight With Chris Van Vliet with an h/t to for the transcription.

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