Alberto Del Rio details the backstage fight between New Day and League of Nations before their WrestleMania 32 match

Sportskeeda’s Riju Dasgupta posted another portion of his interview with former WWE star Alberto Del Rio. 

Del Rio was asked if it’s true that a fight broke out backstage right before The New Day vs League of Nations match at WrestleMania:

“Yeah, there was a big fight backstage but on that one, it was not me creating that altercation. The other two and I, we had to put someone in his place backstage before going out. This is one minute before we went out to the ring, and one of us, I’m not gonna say who, one of us had to tell this person, ‘Listen, you mother f. We’re done with you. You’re gonna go out and do this because you’re a this, and you’re a that.’ So yes, one minute before we went out in that huge, packed stadium, an altercation was happening backstage. You know, it’s part of wrestling.”

“One of the members of the League of Nations grabbed this other member of the League of Nations, grabbed him by the neck, and put them against the wall like that. So that’s all I can say about it.”

Click below for the interview.

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