Alicia Atout on why she left MLW, Richard Holliday’s health, AEW, WWE

Alicia Atout recently was interviewed by Fightful. Here are some transcribed highlights and scroll down to watch the entire interview.

Alicia talking about the health of Richard Holliday:

“That entire situation was a lot. We were at that show in the summertime and during his match against Hammer, he just went black for like 10-15 seconds in the ring. He ended up finishing the match out which most troopers will, so kudos to him because I know I’d be like, get me to the back right now. Something’s going on. At first, I just thought it was a couple of issues that weren’t as intense once they got him checked out. Then of course, within the next month, we find out that it’s not just the smaller issues, it’s actually cancer. He immediately had to take a step back of course, and just focus on himself. It was so unexpected. I remember the night it happened at MLW just being by his side for four hours, literally in the back while he was laying down, making sure he was drinking and not passing out. It was so scary and so intense, and I’m just very happy to see that he’s in a much better place now, but keeping obviously very much in touch with him to make sure everything’s good. I’m happy to see that there’ll be a return for him sooner than we had ever anticipated and he’s much healthier, and that’s all we want coming out of this. That’s the main thing, but he’s doing well.”

On why she left MLW:

“So the whole thing also was kind of thinking, even if to make that return, let’s say summer time, or even in the fall, that only leaves a couple more months for me with the brand, that’s if I was to re-sign again. There were just a lot of different things to think about. So once that all kind of simmered down and we realized, okay, one, he’s going to be okay, but we also have to wait, and again, it came down to business. I want to be somewhere where I can continue to thrive and have that TV time and show what I’m made of and I’ve been working so hard on just practicing so many different things other than interviewing, and so I think it’ll be cool just to see where that goes and where I can bring that too.”

On what she’s been up to recently:

“So lately, there’s been a lot of different stuff. I’ve kind of just been in this weird zone where I’m letting the universe just throw things in my lap, and whatever is sticking, I’m enjoying it and it’s been working out, so I’m just gonna keep with it. But Knotfest came into my life there at the pandemic, Slipknot brand and music festival and media company, and so I’ve been hosting a ton for them. I’ve been going out to live shows and festivals. So lots of really huge metal interviews. I host a podcast for them. That has been awesome. So people can check that out, I rebooted my YouTube channel because for almost a year, I was posting like an interview a month. I really took a step back because of how much these other projects were growing. So on there now, I’ve been doing a lot of fun stuff like Q and A’s. I’ve been doing music reviews, reviewing movies, which is a whole new passion of mine. That has been so much fun. So I’ve picked that up. The Worsties, we have some new plans going into the next few months. So lots of different avenues, lots of different ways to be creative. I started doing blog posts and posting like poems and my lyricism on my website now, which is something I never would have done before, but I think it’s just to the point where I’d rather be vulnerable and fully myself now. No bullsh*t, no hiding, and you know, those who want to embrace it, well embrace it.”

On possibly working for AEW:

“So at this point, I’m very, very close with a lot of people in both of those locker rooms, from people who have just been signed to ones who have been there from the very start, or like the main-eventers of the brand. So for me, my eyes since I started have been set on AEW. I think it’s one of those things where I know we’ve discussed that before and how some things just can fall through the cracks sometimes or other opportunities come up and timing just isn’t right. I’m almost glad that when I first was doing those shows for freelance and Cody brought me on back then, I’m almost glad that the deal didn’t go through or we didn’t continue talking about that in that moment because I feel like I have so much more to bring now. It’s like back then it would have just been me as an interviewer. Right now, they can bring me with any wrestler. I know that I can manage the hell out of somebody and we would have, oh, the craziest run, whether they want meas a heel, baby, or whatever it is. I just have a lot more to bring and my confidence is so much higher since doing the Clout Couple stuff. So you know that’s where my eyes are set, but I’m super open to hearing from whomever because that’s kind of the beauty of being a free agent. You never know who’s gonna come knocking.”

On if she’s had conversations with WWE:

“There haven’t been any discussions. I know their big thing a lot of the time is there is a page you can send stuff to, but a lot of it is just them reaching out to you. Like I think every female I know who has gotten a gig there is either because a buddy is in there already, or simply they approached them, so that one’s a little more fickle, however completely not out of the question. I feel people are crazy when they say, ‘No, I would never like to work there.’ Even if it’s a short stint, it’s the pinnacle of it all. It’s WWE. So for me, that would be so cool. My main thing, however, is not wanting to go into robot mode wherever I end up. I would love for them to hire me for me so I can actually bring something to the company, and again, just not be in that robotic stance of delivering whatever lines they want. I love the banter. I love the ping pong, that interaction. I know that’s kind of what we crave as interviewers doing that kind of stuff. So definitely, my eyes are on it. I just have to figure out maybe, do I finally send that email and reach out? I don’t know.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Fightful podcasts with a h/t to for the transcription.

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