Alicia Fox Is Not Retired: The Machine Said That, I Never Said That, My Bags Are Still Packed, I’m Still Pissed About It

Former WWE star Alicia Fox made a surprise appearance on Muscle Man Malcom’s YouTube channel while he was interviewing Melina. Fox made it clear that she’s not done with wrestling. 

Alicia Fox and Melina on a possible match with Sasha Banks and Trinity:

In response to Melina saying that she thought Fox was done, Fox said, “The machine said that, I never said that…I didn’t put my face on that alumni (page). I didn’t do that. I never said that. My bags are still packed, I’m still pissed about it.”

Melina said that she hasn’t wanted to just wrestle matches because she wants to tell a story. Fox responded, “Well guess what, we’re out of the box. I was like, well I’ve got some things to take care of.”

Fox said, “This is what I’m going to do. I’m going to knock the ring rust off with Booker (at his school). I talked to Booker and Sharmell. We’re going to knock down the forbidden door. We’ll go to Trinity’s house and then we’ll go to Sasha’s house. We’ll show up at Booker’s. Sharmell already said we can come. I texted them last week. I’ll go there to the secret spot. Then we’re going to spread out to these forbidden doors and knock out the windows. Either door gets obliviated. If it’s a forbidden house, where is everybody?’

Melina said, “I was just thinking about asking Trinity and Sasha about it. To have a fourth person, especially her because it was my during my era, it fits. Their era. My era. There are so many things we can do.”

Definitely watch the video below.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Muscle Man Malcolm with a h/t to for the transcription. 

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