Backstage news on why WWE booked Roman Reigns vs. Logan Paul

Following the announcement that Logan Paul will challenge for Roman Reigns’ WWE Universal Title, some fans have wondered why WWE is doing this match. Paul has a huge social media following and the match is expected to draw in some non-wrestling fans but the reason why this match is happening has more to do with Saudi Arabia. This was explained by Dave Meltzer on the “Sunday Night’s Main Event” show on TSN Radio.

“He’s a big deal in Saudi Arabia,” Meltzer said. “He’s a big deal to the Saudi Arabian prince and that’s the whole thing of these shows.”

Meltzer added that this show has nothing to do with selling tickets because it’s a sold show. He said, “Nothing to do with that. Tickets in Saudi Arabia mean nothing. It’s not even part of the game. Of course, TV numbers whatever. If he draws younger viewers, that’s good but it’s not a play for TV ratings. It is a play because the prince wants celebrity fights in Saudi Arabia to build the name in the media of Saudi Arabia and Logan Paul will get more of the type of press that Saudi Arabia is looking for than Kevin Owens or Seth Rollins.”

Meltzer continued, “That’s what Saudi Arabia is there for. Saudi Arabia is for matches that the prince wants that will get press attention around the world for Saudi Arabia so this is a great match for that.”

For those of you wondering about the outcome of the match, was told that as of today there are still no plans for Reigns to lose the WWE Universal Title this year.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Sunday Night’s Main Event with a h/t to for the transcription.

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