Becky Bayless: “The CM Punk I know saves puppies and stands up for women’s rights”

Former ROH/TNA star Becky Bayless took to Twitter to defend CM Punk from some of the negativity being directed at him this past week after the backstage fight that took place at All Out.

Bayless tweeted, “The CM Punk I know saves puppies and stands up for women’s rights. But that doesn’t sell newsletter subscriptions or get website hits, does it guys? Do better.”Bayless is not alone here. There are many people in the wrestling business who have had good things to say about Punk. 

FTR recently said the following during an interview last month with DAZN:

Cash Wheeler said, “I know there’s going to be old tension. But as far as how he is as a person now, he couldn’t be more inviting. He couldn’t be more company-oriented as far as what he’s thinking and anything to the contrary; I really think it’s uneducated to go off of it because there’s only been one side (and) that’s all been the negative stuff.”

He continued, “Over time, you’ll see that he has been well-meaning, he has been doing some good stuff, and as I said, anything to the contrary is, in my opinion, just people being childish and behaving like middle-schoolers.”

Dax Harwood said, “sometimes passion gets mistaken for being an a**hole because you just want the best. He wants the best for AEW. He wants the best for himself as well. We all do. But he wants the best for AEW and puts AEW above himself.”

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