WWE Hall of Famer Booker T Has Plans To Wrestle Again

Many wrestlers, who were seemingly done for one reason or another, have decided to return to the ring for one final run.

Stone Cold Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Batista, and others wrestled years after their full-time days came to an end. While speaking on the “Hall of Fame” podcast, Booker T said that there are some who have trouble walking away from the ring. 

Booker said, “It’s hard to walk away from it. It really is. It’s so hard. I look at Matt and Jeff, Chris Jericho, Taker, The Rock sneaking into WrestleMania 40. That’s what the business is. We never really retire. Even myself, I’m thinking about having another match at Reality of Wrestling. I’ve been training. I’ve been getting myself together in the gym on a regular basis. I’m on the 30 day ab workout. I’m like, man, I can still do this. How are you gonna tell a man he can’t do it no more? You can’t do it.”

One of the biggest names in wrestling history, Mick Foley, was considering wrestling one final match but he has decided against it because he recently suffered a concussion. 

As for The Undertaker, he stated on his YouTube channel that WrestleMania 40 was closure for him so we’ll likely never see him wrestle a match again. Jericho is involved in a program with HOOK in AEW and The Rock is expected to wrestle at least one more match.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit The Hall of Fame with Booker T & Brad Gilmore with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. Quotes were transcribed by Jim for WrestlingNews.co.

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