Booker T: Jade Cargill Would Be Doing Nothing In AEW If She Was Still There

On the latest “Hall of Fame” podcast, Booker T gave his thought son WrestleMania weekend and the news coming out of this week’s WWE TV shows.

Bron Breakker said his farewells to everyone on the NXT roster this week. Booker T gave his thoughts on Breakker going to the main roster:

“I would love to see him stay in NXT a little longer, but I feel like he’s ready for the main roster as well. I’m kind of torn between the two. I do feel like he’s main roster ready, but the work he’s doing in NXT right now is some of his best work. It really is. It’s to where his comfort level right now is so comfortable performing in the middle of that ring, going out there and doing stuff off the top rope or Frankensteiner’s or whatnot. I’m like, this kid is evolving and maturing right before our very eyes. Would I want to see him stay? Of course, but would I be sad to see him go? Of course not. These guys gotta shine. They gotta move on.”

Booker on Jade Cargill’s decision to come to WWE:

“When looking at the roster in AEW as far as the women goes, it’s a no-brainer. She would be doing nothing in AEW if she was still there other than what she was doing which was nothing. She was having menial matches that didn’t do anything for her as far as her learning, just going out there and beating girls and padding her record. They were just squash matches. Learning on the fly, in not a great system for learning, again having those types of matches where you’re not working with the girls on the main roster, so to speak, the Britt Bakers. I don’t think Jade Cargill and Britt Baker spoke once in AEW. How can she be learning in a system like that? So I think her moving to WWE and being in that system, she’s going to get a whole lot more out of it as well as the after effect when it’s all over is how big her star is going to be. I think that what’s going to matter more than anything is how big her star is going to be.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit The Hall of Fame with Booker T & Brad Gilmore with a h/t to for the transcription. Quotes were transcribed by Jim for

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