Brian Hebner: “I don’t think Jeff Jarrett gives two sh*ts” about leaving WWE

During the latest “Refin’ It Up” podcast, referee Brian Hebner gave his thoughts on some of the big wrestling stories from the past week. Hebner was asked to give his thoughts on the CM Punk-Adam Page situation:

“I’m not surprised man. Really, I’m not. You can’t have the boys run the roost and that’s just what’s happening with no ramifications. I’ve seen this before in other companies that I’ve actually worked for.”

“CM Punk went into business for himself. He had some issue with what happened previously and decided to say what he wanted to say off the cuff that was not part of the actual script or promo. For me, the worst thing about it all is, it just doesn’t make the other guys look good. Hangman, an appearance at all on the ramp or something would have been cool, but how do you know he wasn’t in the middle of changing or in the bathroom or something? I mean, how do you know? Obviously, he wasn’t expecting it. It would have been cool if there was something there for him because right now it looks like he’s pretty much a tool bag. CM Punk went into business for himself and guess what? Who’s he going to answer to? Nobody.”

Hebner’s view of the overabundance of talent in AEW:

“It’s not going to get better because here’s the problem. I don’t know how many talents they have signed, but I can just tell you this. When I was there, for the short period of time I was there, I have never seen so much talent walking around backstage in my life. I mean, people were freaking everywhere. It was unbelievable. You can’t possibly have that many toys, and that’s what they are for Tony. These are just toys and he’s getting all the toys that he wants. It’s hard to write storylines. In my opinion, there are so many guys from the WWE that are there that I don’t agree with the way they’re being used. I understand why they’re upset and why they’re bi*ching and moaning.”

“Just the other night, I think it was last week, I was sitting around with one of my buddies watching the show, and I pointed out that there was not one original AEW talent on that show in the first 40 minutes. It was all ex-WWE guys except one, and I believe that was Darby Allin, if I’m not mistaken. I may be wrong with that, but I feel like it was Darby Allin. So you got those guys in the back that are AEW originals probably bi*ching and moaning, ‘Why am I not on TV? The WWE guys are getting all of the time.’ Then you got the indie guys who are still not getting time and some that are. It’s just a mess, man. It’s a mess. He’s got a mess. I don’t know how he’s going to figure it out.”

Hebner on Jeff Jarrett leaving WWE and Road Dogg returning:

“It’s the biggest buddy boy system in the business. Seriously, straight up. Anybody that didn’t think Road Dogg was coming back, they’re out of their minds. That was foreshadowed before Vince retired. But, give me a break. You know what though? Honestly to me, and I’m not talking for him, I’m thinking for him. I don’t think Jeff Jarrett gives two sh*ts. I think he’s got so much on his plate, so much stuff that’s keeping him busy, I don’t think he cared and probably didn’t want to be in that bullsh*t anyway. I’m really thinking he feels that way. I don’t know that, but I’m just saying. It’s just too weird to me how that worked out. It’s too weird that Jeff Jarrett is out and Road Dogg is in. I mean, give me a break. Congratulations Road Dogg and probably congratulations to Jeff.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Refin’ It Up with Brian Hebner with a h/t to for the transcription.

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