CM Punk’s side reportedly backed off claim that Young Bucks kicked down locker room door, Bucks and Kenny Omega have yet to hear from AEW

During today’s Wrestling Observer Live, Bryan Alvarez was asked about Wade Keller’s recent statement that things seem to be leaning towards CM Punk not returning to AEW.

Keller said the following earlier this week in regards to Punk not being mentioned during AEW Dynamite when Ian Riccaboni talked about the lineage of the ROH title: 

“I think this is noteworthy but not surprising [that] he excluded CM Punk’s name as he talked about some of the biggest names who have held the title,” Keller said. “That’s a bit of a tell. As I talked with Jason Powell yesterday about – I am not expecting CM Punk to wrestle in AEW again. I’m not saying it’s 100 percent sure thing but everything is pointing in the direction of some sort of buyout of his contract. We’ll learn more eventually about that situation.”

Alvarez said the following today on WOL:

“I did hear Wade speculating about a buyout and let’s put it this way. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised but nobody, nobody, nobody is talking right now. So everything is speculation. Nobody is saying anything.”

Alvarez continued, “The thing about the brawl is there really aren’t two sides of the story anymore. There were two sides of the story for a while but now pretty much both sides agree that CM Punk threw the first punch. The Punk side has backed off the kicking the door down thing. They have admitted [The Bucks] didn’t kick the door down. The Young Bucks did go into the room. They didn’t just go into the room with the head of legal. They went into the room with the head of legal (Megha Parekh) and the head of talent relations (Christopher Daniels). So they ain’t kicking down the door and like I said, both sides agree they didn’t kick down the door. Really the only disagreement at this point is were the Bucks aggressive? Punk’s side admitted he threw the first punch. The only disagreement is was he actually in fear for his safety or did he just start punching?

“Other than that, all sides are on the same page. I don’t expect to see CM Punk in AEW again. I don’t know about The Bucks and Kenny Omega. I don’t know what they’re thinking right now but I do know it’s been a long time and nobody is communicating with anybody about anything. It has to be frustrating. So I don’t know what they are thinking right now…”

“If they are working a buyout for Punk then there is some communication. You don’t work out a buyout with somebody and not communicate. As far as Kenny Omega and The Bucks, from talking with all sorts of people in AEW, nobody is communicating anything to Kenny Omega and The Bucks. Nothing. They are absolutely 100 percent in the dark…I don’t know what the future is for anybody.”

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