Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins almost got into a fight backstage

When Cody Rhodes returned to WWE last year at WrestleMania 38, he feuded with Seth Rollins as he won his return match. They had a lengthy program with the former WWE Champion, with Rhodes scoring three straight victories over Rollins in PLE matches.

Rhodes was sidelined with an injury but pushed through the pain for their Hell in a Cell match before he got surgery and was sidelined for the rest of 2022.

While appearing on the Dan LeBatard Show, Rhodes was asked whether there have been instances of tension leading to backstage fights. He said Rollins was the closest he got to mixing it up for real with. 

“I almost would say that I like less people than I dislike in terms of the backstage setting. The competition that exists in wrestling, you see that suspension of disbelief on-screen, but backstage it is very real in terms of the competition, who is going to be on top,” Rhodes stated. “For example, who is going to headline WrestleMania. This year, being Roman Reigns and myself, it makes you, it doesn’t garner a lot of friends. Seth Rollins is the closest I’ve ever had to backstage turning into a fistfight in front of all of our peers and upper management. It didn’t happen. Him and I absolutely can’t stand one another. I’d probably try and rip his eyes out and have a situation between Scott Steiner and DDP.”

Rhodes then told a story without naming the wrestler about how he almost got into a backstage fight because someone was wearing and mocking his ring vest. He took the guy down and got his jacket back. In hindsight, he thinks the guy was probably having a good time.

Roman Reigns will defend the Undisputed WWE Universal Title against Rhodes at WrestleMania 39.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Dan LeBatard Show with an h/t to for the transcription.

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