Conrad Thompson: ‘By Next WrestleMania, I Say Vince McMahon Is In The Wrestling Business’

WWE recently released Sue Aitchison after decades with the company. Her release comes as a shock because of the work behind the scenes to connect WWE with various charities, including Make-A-Wish.

While speaking on the “83 Weeks” podcast, Eric Bischoff talked about Sue Aitchison no longer being with WWE after working there for 40 years in Community Relations:

“Sue is one of the nicest people. I just talked to Sue about eight days before I left for Australia. She’s such a nice human being. Forget about what a great job she did for almost 40 years. In a world that most people can’t comprehend how difficult her job was dealing with the talent that she had to deal with and the coordination and logistics. A lot of times when Sue would give you a call, when you were under contract with WWE, it was to ask you to do things that were generally outside of what you would normally do as a performer, extra media, that type of thing. She was the one that generally talked to me about my travel or any other appearances. Even to this point now whenever WWE has something that they want me to schedule, or asked me to schedule, it’s always Sue. She’s just such a sweet person. Forty months in WWE can feel a lifetime depending on what era you were dealing with. Hats off to her. She’s a sweet person. I’m sure she’s going to enjoy her life outside of WWE.”

There was also talk about Vince McMahon about his podcast and specifically, his decision to sell so much of his stock. The sale of the stock has caused people in and out of WWE to speculate that McMahon might be looking at starting a new wrestling company.

Bischoff on if he thinks Vince McMahon will start up a different wrestling company:

“I wouldn’t put any money on it. I don’t even gamble, but I’d just go play blackjack in Vegas instead. I wouldn’t put any money on it.”

Conrad Thompson responded, “By next WrestleMania, I say Vince is in the wrestling business.”

If it happens, McMahon would not be able to start anything until January because that is when his non-compete expires.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit with a h/t to for the transcription. Quotes were transcribed by Jim for

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