Deonna Purrazzo: “For me, it was always my goal to change women’s wrestling”

Impact Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo recently joined for an interview. The following was sent to us:

Defeating Jordynne Grace at Rebellion for the IMPACT Knockouts title:

“It was awesome. I’ve said this a few times, but I didn’t realize it at the time, but that was the first time I won the championship in front of a crowd. All day I was super nervous and super emotional, and I didn’t really know why. In hindsight, I guess it was because Jordynne and I were the main event and in front of a sold-out crowd in Toronto I was winning the Knockouts World Championship. That was really special to me.”

Changing Women’s Wrestling:

“For me, it was always my goal to change women’s wrestling. There are not very many firsts left. To be the first-ever, and only, Iron Women in Impact Wrestling is special, and history-making. That’s what everyone’s goal should be. You don’t get into something to be mediocre at it. You want to be the best, you want to be the champion, and make history. I wanted to do that from a young age. To be in a position after years, and years of struggle, to come into Impact Wrestling and win the Knockouts World Championship and become the first-ever Iron Women at Impact, and to just make all this history and ground-breaking moments, lit a fire under all of our butts. All of the Knockouts saw that we were getting all these first-ever moments, like the first-ever Ironman match, the first-ever Ultimate-X match, Mickie James, and I main event a pay-per-view which was another first-ever moment. It really showed the world that there’s still a lot of work to be done and a lot of history for the Knockouts to participate in and make.”

What’s next for the Virtuosa:

“I think Taylor Wilde vs. Deonna Purrazzo is something that’s been years in the making and will be really great. I also think with this title run, I proved myself. The previous two were more about solidifying who I am and creating a legacy here in Impact Wrestling. Now, I’ve done that, and I’m confident and know my worth now. I’m a different competitor, and a different human being this time around. Our roster has grown exponentially. We have KiLynn King and Jody Threat, and we’ve seen a new side of Alisha Edwards too recently. There are a lot of talented women that I’ve yet to go one-on-one with. As long as they step up to the plate and want a piece of the Virtuosa, I’m more than happy to give them the opportunity to dethrone me, but it’s not going to happen.”

Purrazzo also discussed Mickie James vacating the Knockouts title, looked back at her time in IMPACT Wrestling, retiring Jazz, her history with Jordynne Grace and much more. You can check out the complete interview at this link.

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