Don West has passed away

We are sad to learn that former TNA announcer Don West has passed away after battling brain cancer. The news broke via Mike Tenay’s Twitter account. 

Tenay tweeted, “Just heard from wife Terri that our brother
@DonWestDeals will be spending New Years in heaven. Terri said D-Dub finally had to tap out from his match with lymphoma. We bonded as soon as we met, both as broadcast partners and friends. Years of great moments both on and off camera”

In the 90s, West achieved success as the host of the Shop at Home Network. He was beloved for his energetic and loud personality. That love grew when he began working for TNA Wrestling in 2002. West also hosted “The Sports Reporters” radio show in Nashville, TN from 2001 until 2008.

We send our deepest condolences to his friends and family. RIP Don.

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