Earl Hebner explains why he didn’t like working with Macho Man Randy Savage

Legendary WWE referee Earl Hebner has a book out where he goes into detail on things he’s seen during his career in the wrestling business. Hebner’s book titled “Earl Hebner: The Official Story” can be purchased at this link.

During his interview with Steve Fall, Hebner talked about the book and he shared stories about the famous twin referee angle that involved Hulk Hogan, Ted DiBiase, and Andre The Giant. Hebner also discussed almost dying on the night before WrestleMania 14, why he was fired by Vince McMahon, why he hated working with Randy Savage, drinking with Stone Cold Steve Austin, and more. The entire interview can be watched below.

Hebner on why referee names were banned from being mentioned for so many years: “Well that was done by Vince McMahon…He didn’t want the announcer to announce the ref.”

On the differences between the past referees and the referees working today:

“Well, from the old referees and today’s referees and today’s matches back then in there, it’s a world of difference. It’s not the same. It’s just it’s like old school and new school. You know and the old school you had to work and be smart because they never gave you everything. You know a lot of times back then I’d go in there and I go, ‘What’s the finish?’ They said, ‘just count.’ Okay. We did know the finish a lot of times. I mean 99 percent of the time. We knew the finish Some of the old guys just come through and tell you what it was. They said watch the match and count.”

Hebner continued, “I just think the referees they have today, I think they want to be part of the show but it ain’t working…They want to sell while the guy’s body slamming — ‘Oh my god.’ I just don’t go for that. All the things that I’ve ever done with the talent back in my day was because I was told to do it. I didn’t do it on my own ever, ever. I just think it’s kind of bad when a referee is selling bumps of the match and they’re not taking any…. Look at some of the matches today, tomorrow, whenever and you’ll see it happening. Hell, they go like they’re part of the show. I mean, part of the match. Which they are but they don’t need to sell.”

Hebner did not like refereeing matches with Macho Man Randy Savage:

“Macho Man. I mean when it comes to WrestleMania, he gives you a sack of papers that thick of the whole match way before it was ever gonna go on. I mean two weeks before WrestleMania and then he comes back and I’ll go, ‘damn, this is a joke here.’ But that’s how he was, he was a perfectionist.”

Steve Fall noted how Diamond Dallas Page wrote his matches out move by move. Hebner said, “Oh Randy was the same way about like TVs and house shows, you know same thing…If you screwed up he’d go, ‘What the hell’s going on here?'”

This interview is exclusive to WrestlingNews.co. If you use these quotes, please include a link back to this page. 

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