Eric Bischoff: Ospreay-Omega Was Awesome, Will Ospreay Reminds Me of a Tougher Shawn Michaels

On the lateast “83 Weeks” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff took some fan questions. Bischoff and Conrad Thompson also talked about the Forbidden Door pay-per-view, Eric losing his hair for charity, stories from Top Guy Weekend and more.

Bischoff’s thoughts on the Kenny Omega – Will Ospreay match at Forbidden Door:

“I was blown away. Ospreay reminds me of a tougher Shawn Michaels. He’s got the look obviously. Wrestling, in terms of his in-ring capabilities, is just otherworldly at this point. It was like the new school, the very athletic, physical, dynamic, incredibly difficult and high risk type of offense, it had all of that, but it also had Nick Bockwinkel – Vern Gagne-esque psychology. So the story was there. The psychology was there. The dynamic presentation, the athleticism, the things that people really dig nowadays, that was there in spades. There’s more than enough of that for anybody who loves that style and that presentation, but it still had great psychology in the pacing and the story. It was so good. I mean, I don’t know that I’ve seen anything better in terms of a match. They don’t have a Rock-like popularity with the audience. That audience, they did. Certainly with that audience they did and that’s why I don’t like comparing, but in terms of the story and the action and the believability, all the things that make me excited to watch a wrestling match, I got overdosed on it and I was there for it. It was awesome.”

Bischoff mentioned his daughter was involved in the reality show, “Rhodes to the Top”

My daughter actually Montanna is responsible for Cody’s first reality show, ‘Rhodes to the Top’. She hired the show runner. She knew him and she knew that he’d be great because she knew he was a wrestling fan. Before anybody else got involved, she got that show on the board at Turner. Now a lot of people came in and took credit for it afterwards, which is usually the case, but that was her passion project.”

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