Eric Bischoff reacts to Chris Jericho saying his WCW merchandise sales were paid out to Hulk Hogan

On the latest “83 Weeks” podcast, Eric Bischoff went in-depth on Hulk Hogan’s arrival in WCW. Bischoff talked about Hogan saving the company by increasing interest from fans. He also talked about what Hogan did for WCW as a business.

Chris Jericho once said that when his merchandise was being sold in WCW, it was being rung up under Hulk Hogan’s name and Hogan was getting that money. Bischoff was asked if this was true.

“It’s not accurate, and if somebody’s got a contract out there that can show me otherwise, I’ll apologize publicly,” Bischoff said.

He continued. “I don’t have Hulk’s original contract here. I really don’t. I’m sure somebody listening does. There was language in Hulk’s initial contract that gave him the lion’s share of his merchandise, a much larger percentage of his merchandise than other WCW talent were getting. But to my knowledge as I sit here and talk to you, Hulk Hogan wasn’t receiving royalties on merchandise that wasn’t his, I don’t believe.”

Bischoff again asked if someone can show proof of what was claimed by Jericho, including Jericho himself, then he would like to see it to correct the record. Bischoff said, “So if somebody’s got a contract out there, including Chris Jericho or anybody else that can prove that I’m wrong about that, I’ll be grateful for them for pointing that out to me, but I don’t think that’s the case.”

The entire podcast can be heard now at

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