Eric Bischoff: Ric Flair ‘should be thanking me for helping him to get over instead of just being a whiny baby’

On the latest “83 Weeks” podcast, Eric Bischoff addressed his recent remark on Twitter that said that he made Ric Flair. Check out Bischoff’s tweet below and scroll down to read what he said on his podcast.

Bischoff said the following on his podcast:

“I just pointed out this is some of Ric’s best work and he should thank me for that. I brought that out in him. I brought that level of emotion and I brought out what became, really, the best Ric Flair. I brought that out of him. He should be thanking me for helping him to get over instead of just being a whiny baby about this whole thing. I don’t get it.”

“If you think about it, and I’m not joking around here, this is one of the reasons why I didn’t want to get started in this thing because it just escalates and escalates and escalates, and I really hope it all goes away, but I do have to kind of defend myself or at least offer a different perspective. You know, Ric was in WCW right after Ted Turner bought it. It was great for a lot of people, but the truth is WCW couldn’t make any money with Ric Flair. So what did Ric Flair do? He went to WWE, and guess what? Couldn’t make any money with Ric Flair in WWE. So guess what? Ric comes back to WCW and WCW still couldn’t make any money with him in ’93 and ’94, which is why I had to go out and get Hulk Hogan. Ric’s a great performer. Don’t get me wrong. He’s a legend. But when it comes to business, I had to do what I had to do, and apparently, that just rubs Ric the wrong way and he can’t let it go. I’m really sorry about that, but my God, let it go.”

“Why is it that people that are fans of Ric and fans of The Four Horsemen just get all bent out of shape when you present just facts? I mean, I wasn’t being critical of the Four Horsemen. I put them over. They were very, very popular amongst a small regional group of fans that when you are in the business of entertaining the entire country, that small pocket of fans in North Carolina and the Southeast in particular that dug The Four Horsemen, well, that’s cool, but that’s not the whole country. The Four Horsemen were great during their era, but they certainly weren’t a national act.”

This week’s “83 Weeks” podcast covers Bischoff’s final days in TNA. You can listen to the podcast at

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