Former WWE Star Marty Jannetty Not Happy About Some Things Chris Jericho Said About Him

Former WWE star Marty Jannetty took to Facebook last night and he isn’t happy with something Chris Jericho said on his Talk Is Jericho podcast. Jannetty wrote the following:

“SO, now that you can see me, does anyone out there have Chris Jericho’s number..I had it, we are supposedly boyz, I lost his number in my last lost phone, but, I needs to call him…Chris and I are good, he spoke very highly of me in his book(as should have, lol) we always hugg up when we see each other.. BUT, I aint happy with a few things he said in a review on my Dark Side Of The Ring episode, so I may have to run up on him now..will give it a chance to peace out promoter friends or whomever has his number PLEASE DONT POST IT OUT HERE..inbox(messenger) only please…Thank You!!

PS- don’t get it twisted, I likes the hell outta Chris, we just got some talking to do, that’s all..for now!”

For those of you wondering, this is what Jericho said about Marty during a “Dark Side of the Ring” review/preview episode on Talk Is Jericho:

“Marty is a very controversial character, shall we say? I was a huge fan of The Rockers, Shawn and Marty, obviously. He was one of the guys, he was one of my big influences. So as you see him over the years and kind of just gets a little bit crazier and crazier. He’s almost the type of guy where like, I don’t think I’d ever invite him on the Jericho cruise, for example, because you don’t know what you’re gonna get with him. And I don’t want that element on board and right, he is the type of guy that I’d love to have him. He’s one of my heroes from that timeframe, but I can’t deal with that.”

Later on Jericho noted some of the things posted over the years on Jannetty’s Facebook: “I mean, he’s come out and said that he murdered somebody. He’s talking about marrying his [step] daughter or something like this, or there’s just a lot of really weird daughter weirdness…It’s just like over the line in a lot of different ways.”

For added context, the comments about Jannetty were made because Jericho had Dark Side of the Ring Executive Producers and co-creators Evan Husney and Jason Eisener to preview all of the episodes in this current season.

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