Former WWE star says she was supposed to return to the company last year

Ariane Andrew, better known to wrestling fans as Cameron from her WWE run, joined the company after appearing on a reboot season of Tough Enough that Steve Austin hosted before signing with the company.

She worked in FCW and NXT before going to the main roster. She most notably was a Funkadactyls with Naomi, and they later formed a tag team together before she departed in 2016.

Andrew did return for a one-off in the 2022 women’s Royal Rumble match, where she reunited with Naomi.

While appearing on Ring The Bell, Andrew revealed WWE wanted her to do more appearances for them after the Royal rumble, but plans changed.

“No, I stated this before and my mouth gets me in trouble, I was supposed to come back. What I’m about to say might get me in trouble. It was such a roller coaster weekend. It was doing the Rumble, then losing my dad, then getting the call on Tuesday being asked to come back and then Thursday, I got a text like, ‘Your travel is canceled.’ I was like, ‘But why?’ and they’re like, ‘I don’t know. It’s canceled.’ So there was supposed to be a continuation…that was like the most perfect time,” Andrew stated. “Naomi didn’t have anybody, and it’s like that was the perfect moment. And after that didn’t happen, I was like ‘When would there ever be another moment like this? It was like perfect timing.’ I don’t know. It was gut wrenching for me for the simple fact that like this was a test.”

She noted she went from being on a high with her Royal Rumble appearance then the lowest of the low when losing her father and then being told about making more appearances before it got nixed.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Ring The Belle with an h/t to for the transcription.

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