Former WWE Star Was Told That His Leg Will Be Amputated

Former WWE star Marty Jannetty announced on Facebook that doctors have told him that his leg needs to be amputated. Anyone who has followed Marty over the years knows about the health issues he’s been dealing with, most notably his ankle.

Even worse news revealed in the same Facebook post is that his sister passed away. Jannetty wrote the following: “I can’t hardly formulate a sentence right now, it’s a tough time in life, yesterday day they told me they want to cut my leg off.. struggling with that my brother called last night and, my sister died in his arms basically. I don’t even know what I’m saying right now. I don’t think I’m doing the podcast show tomorrow night, please forgive me, I do loves y’all..I just can’t. I’m so lost right now. PS- Many of y’all know both my sisters, Diane is still hanging in tough as a mo-fo, Diane STAY STAY STRONG, KEEP BELIEF, YOU TOO GENO!”

Jannetty was featured in a Dark Side of the Ring episode last year. We send condolences to him on the death of his sister. interviewed Jannetty last year. Click below to watch the interview where he shares some interesting stories about Hulk Hogan and others.

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