Jake Roberts says Vince McMahon wanted Jerry Lawler to pour real whiskey on him during WWE storyline in 1996

This week on the DDP Snake Pit podcast, Jake “The Snake” Roberts and Diamond Dallas Page answered some fan questions.

Roberts was asked if he thought the program he was involved in with Jerry Lawler in 1996 was in poor taste:

“Absolutely it was in horrible taste. They were making fun of me being an alcoholic. He wound up pouring a bottle of whiskey down my face. It burnt the sh*t out of my eyes.”

Jake was asked if it was real whiskey?

“Yeah. Ask Jerry because he’ll tell you the same damn thing because whenever it came time for me to pour it on him, he said, ‘You can’t pour that on me.’ I said, ‘What do you mean? You poured it on me?’ He said, ‘Well Vince wanted me to pour it on you.’”

“At the time, I was really struggling with my sobriety, and I can’t say boys will be boys because boys can be a**holes. They were constantly putting things in my bag that shouldn’t have been there and taking chances with my damn well being because they were putting drugs in my damn suitcase I didn’t know were there and I would find sh*t in there, paraphernalia and stuff. It was just horrible, man.”

“At some point we went to Europe and Undertaker heard them getting on me pretty hot and heavy. You know, comments like ‘Pu**y and you know, you used to be a fu**ing man.’ You know? yatta yatta yatta. Yeah, this God thing is bullsh*t. You know, this, that, and the other. It was some pretty rough stuff going. Undertaker used to sleep under the bus. There’s a compartment for luggage and he would go in there and sleep while we ran down the road. You know, he’s the dead man. So he had the bus pull over and he got up and cut a promo in my favor. He said, “You guys don’t want him to go back to being the guy he used to be. He’ll kill every fu**ing one of you.’ It was pretty rough, man. That was a really bad angle. Even Lawler didn’t want to do it. I didn’t know at the time that Lawler didn’t want to do it. I thought he was enjoying it a little bit too much. I had some harsh feelings for Jerry until he and I sat down and talked about it. Now we’re good.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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