Jeff Jarrett Says Reported $100,000 Sponsorship for Texas Chainsaw Massare Match Is Inaccurate, Sponsor Was Very Happy About the Match

On the latest “My World” podcast on, AEW’s Jeff Jarrett gave his thoughts on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Death Match that took place last week on AEW Dynamite:

“The sponsor’s exact words, ‘Incredible. Way over delivered.’ Okay, so that’s a win. It’s my understanding across the board, the network, because they’re the ones that, you know, I guess they now have, and you know, it’s not that this is the first and certainly it’s not going to be the last, but you know, when you build a deck and hey, ‘We did this for this client, this for this client, all that’, obviously it goes without saying the top man, T.K., super excited, and look, his sole decision. That was up to him. When the funds are going to Maui, that kind of says so much to me, but the audience being so passionate about it, I love that, okay, that lit a nerve. Not always good. Some people just didn’t like it, but I loved it. I thought it was an honor to be in that type of integration. It was definitely out of the box. I thought Jeff Hardy and his entire crew, you can say executed it to a T. I’m not a horror movie guy, but Leatherface, that clip of him walking down the aisle and throwing the chainsaw and he was supposed to be on our side, but Sonjay got his ass kicked, Karen got ran off, and all the integration, just look at the images in the background, production, across the board, it was a grand slam in so many ways. For those that didn’t like this kind of stuff, I will say this without question. It certainly will make you appreciate, more, your four and five star matches. So yes, it actually served a purpose to you as well. It will make you appreciate, ‘Hey, I don’t like that, that integration stuff. I like this stuff.’ So I’m super excited that, mission accomplished.”

Jarrett talking about the amount of sponsorship money for this match:

“Just to let you in on this, the number that’s being reported online, that’s why I haven’t commented on it, it’s way low. It blew me away.”

On Tony Khan’s reaction backstage to the match:

“Big smile, but look, this is super inside baseball, like knowing what you just said, the charity aspect, also knowing the nuts and bolts of the value of just this integration. I mean, it’s a lot more than what’s been reported, but also the avenue that this can take us that, okay, this is how Tony’s organization did this integration, so the next integration may or may not be as deep, but basically new frontier, new business development, new opportunities. I could go on and on and on. So I believe Tony, what he said is that he loved it, super pleased, happy, but it goes a lot more than you know, was it Tony’s cup of tea, fake blood being poured on and then real blood coming out of my head and a guitar shot or kendo stick or the backstage or all that? I’m not saying that’s his cup of tea. I’m not saying that. From a business perspective, and that’s what all this is, super excited and was very appreciative of it.”

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