Jim Ross: ‘Oh Hell Yeah’ It’s Time For GUNTHER To Level Up To The Main Event Spot

GUNTHER’s historic run as WWE Intercontinental Champion has come to an end and now there’s talk that he may move up to the main event picture. GUNTHER told WrestlingNews.co’s Steve Fall that he outgrew the IC Title and he wanted to eventually challenge for the World Title. 

On the “Grilling JR” podcast, Conrad Thompson asked Jim Ross if it’s time for GUNTHER to level up to the main event.

Ross said, “Oh hell yeah. I would love to see Cody defend the title against GUNTHER. I’m a big GUNTHER fan. [His style is] very basic, very fundamentally sound. He’s a machine. He’s physical. What he does is realistic. He tells great stories.”

Ross praised GUNTHER’s match with Sami Zayn at WrestleMania.

Ross said, “I can’t tell you if I saw a match that I liked that much better than GUNTHER and Sami Zayn, on both nights. I’m a big GUNTHER fan. He’s a great find. He’s got himself in magnificent shape. I love his physicality. In the same respect, Sami Zayn played his role perfectly. Perfectly.”

On who else stands out as an opponent for Cody besides GUNTHER, Ross mentioned Randy Orton as “a match people would want to see.”

Ross added, “The great thing about WWE for them right now is they’ve built some depth. There’s a lot of possibilities for Cody’s first World Title opponent. We’ll see how it goes. There’s a lot of choices…”

Thompson wondered if Orton could be a heel or if the fans will cheer him no matter what he does.

Ross said, “I think Randy can be anything he wants to be. It’s all a matter of presentation. Randy is established, he’s over…I’m a firm believer that under the right conditions, the right storytelling, and the right actions in the ring, this could be a moneymaker for him. The matches would be unbelievable. They could close the show in a star-studded way…”

As it stands, Cody’s first opponent will be AJ Styles or LA Knight, depending on who wins this Friday night on SmackDown. WWE’s roster is so deep that anyone can step in the main event spot to challenge for the WWE Championship this year.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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