Jim Ross on Don Callis’ short WWE run: ‘He was his own worst enemy at times’

On the latest episode of Grilling JR on AdFreeShows.com, WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross covered No Way Out 1998. It was during this time period when Don Callis was in the company as the leader of the Truth Commission stable.

Callis’ run with the company was short and Ross explained why Callis did not a bigger splash with the WWF/WWE:

“I think he was his own worst enemy at times. He could be caustic. He could be attitudinal, shall we say,” Ross said. “Don is a very, very intelligent person and he doesn’t have a lot of patience for ignorance, so sometimes he’s impatient when others don’t accept and embrace his ideas, but he’s a talented guy. He really is a talented guy”

Ross went on to praise Don’s contributions to AEW. He said, “I believe he’s a big asset in AEW affiliating with The Elite, Kenny, The Bucks, and so forth. I think he’s going to be very crucial going forward in their continued evolution. Here’s the deal. In a nutshell, he rubbed some people the wrong way, and if you talk to him, I’m sure he would say the same thing. I think Vince (he rubbed the wrong way). He might have rubbed some of the underlings the wrong way because he was generally smarter than them. I think it got back to Vince and Vince got tired of hearing about it, so see you later.”

You can listen to the entire episode at AdFreeShows.com.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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