Kevin Nash on LA Knight: Am I the Only One That Sees Like an Absolute Rip Off of the Rock, There’s Nothing Original

On the latest “Kliq This” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash talked about his experience doing Table for 3 (show on Peacock) a few years ago:

“There was a guy that put a message out. He said that the average edible is 2.5. You can’t find one below 10. I mean, I’ve never seen an edible below 10 milligrams. I used to eat fu**ing 50 milligrams of chocolate like it was nothing. I remember one time I was coming back from WrestleMania when it was that huge, over 100,00 people in Dallas, and I was like, I really don’t want to carry this chocolate around because like Texas, it ain’t cool, so I’m like, I’ll just eat it.”

“There’s like a fu**ing Dinner for Three or something with the Kliq. We had that like early, eight in the morning or something like that, and I was on a roll of just trying to eat all this chocolate. So if you ever see it all three of us are in shades for this because we are fu**ing wasted.”

Nash feels LA Knight is a ripoff of The Rock:

“Am I the only one that sees like an absolute rip off of The Rock to the point when he cut the promo on fu**ing Logan Paul or whatever the fu** his name is. The only thing he didn’t do is turn the motherfu**er sideways. Jesus Christ, does everybody have amnesia? There’s nothing original.”

On if he would want to work behind the scenes in WWE:

“I don’t want to work. I’m 64 years old. I need to take my wife to finish seeing Germany. We need to get back to Italy. I’ve got to quit being a sh*t husband and take my wife to go see places that she wants to see. I would last two weeks and then I would get fired because I would go, ‘Ah, fu** that. That’s bullsh*t.'” 

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit with a h/t to for the transcription.

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