Kevin Nash supports trans rights, says Rick Steiner was wrong for the incident with Gisele Shaw

On the latest “Kliq This” podcast, Kevin Nash and Sean Oliver talked about the Rick Steiner-Gisele Shaw incident at WrestleCon that occurred during WrestleMania weekend. Prior to that, Nash and Oliver talked about trans rights and how divisive our society is.

Nash said, “I wanted to get this out because a lot of people just they have these –they just don’t have, they don’t think. And there’s somebody that is close to us that I knew for over probably 30 years as a male. And they have went in and had the full monty. They prefer to be called she, and I asked, because it’s just really hard for me to fathom that to make that decision, especially that late in life. And so I knew that it had to be something traumatic. I said to her, you don’t have to say anything, you don’t owe me an explanation. I don’t expect one. I said, I just want to know how the thought process brought you to this place so late in life. And he had lost his wife to cancer. But there was always talk that he wore women’s lingerie and women’s underwear and stuff like that underneath his clothes, but he always was like a truck driver and had like a blue collar job.”

Nash continued, “We’re a pretty non-judgment f**king crew at my crib. And he told me that when he was young, like five, five to 10, those years, that he was raped and sodomized and molested repetitively by three males that were either an uncle, a brother, cousin, whatever it was, and that when his wife passed, he just didn’t want to ever see another penis, including on himself. And he went through the transformation. And you think about how f**king sad that is and it’s like, before you f**king judge, you’ve got to take that fucking — And I’m as I’m as guilty as everybody. I’m as guilty as everybody. I jump to my fucking bullsh*t. because I’m always f**king right conclusions. And there’s a lot of sh*t that goes on in this world that’s f**ked up. And at 50 years old, if that move f**king takes an ounce that pain away then f**k yes. And if he walks by somebody, they don’t have a right to say sh*t to him.”

Later in the podcast, Nash talked about the incident with Rick Steiner and Gisele Shaw. He said that he doesn’t know everything about what happened but that Steiner told him that “the person kept coming by, coming by, coming by, and they stood in front of their table.”

Sean Oliver responded, “I’ll say it, he (Steiner) was wrong.”

Nash said, “I feel bad. He (Steiner) was wrong, there’s no doubt about it. That just saddens me. It saddens me that some people are just on a different wavelength. He didn’t realize until it was done that it wasn’t f**king 1993 anymore. It doesn’t make him a f**king idiot. A lot of people got sucked in — Q-anon and all these other things. There’s some brilliant people that f**king bought into that f**king sh*t. Everybody knows my stance…I don’t have a problem with anybody’s sexual preferences…”

Click below to listen to the podcast.

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