Kevin Owens Was “a Little Annoyed” He Wasn’t Booked in This Year’s WWE MITB Ladder Match

Kevin Owens made an appearance on Mark Andrews on My Love Letter to Wrestling, where he discussed a wide range of topics, including this year’s WWE Money in the Bank PLE being held over in the UK.

During the appearance, Owens talked about his memories of working in the UK.

“I remember wrestling in Orpington where, because this guy [Sami Zayn] actually….the crowd’s there just, very tiny building whatever, four or 500 people maybe. But it’s so loud and so much fun to be in front of, to perform in front of. So obviously when we come here, the 2002 whatever, it’s, you know, it’s multiplication by a lot, but uh, it’s always the same kind of energy. But yeah, I mean my first time was in 2006 and it’s always been great. It’s always a treat to come here. It seems like they appreciate it more. Yeah, I know maybe the US fans might, you know, that might take an exception to that, but it’s just the way it is.”

Owens also talked about wanting to work the men’s MITB ladder match that was won by Damian Priest. Owens wasn’t booked on the card. 

“I’m actually a little annoyed I’m not in it this year. I love ladders. Yeah, I love ladder matches. I think I thrive in them. So to not get to do it kind of sucks.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Mark Andrews on My Love Letter to Wrestling with an h/t to for the transcription.

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