Konnan: Chyna Deserves to Be Inducted in WWE Hall of Fame by Herself

Konnan and Disco Inferno answered some fan questions on a mailbag edition of K100.

Konnan on why Chyna should be inducted into the Hall of Fame by herself:

“You got to remember, her character was over and that’s just as good as if her wrestling was good because she was the first woman to dominate men. She’s like an enforcer. I think she was the first woman in the Royal Rumble. She started DX, which was a revolutionary group, right? I remember they used to call her the ninth wonder of the world. Remember Andre was the eighth? If you remember, she’s the original Mami, what Rhea Ripley is doing now. Remember the whole thing with Eddie.?I remember that Eddie didn’t want to do that gimmick with her because he felt he was playing second fiddle. I was like, ‘Bro, just show them you can do this and they’ll use her for everything else.’ Yeah, so she definitely does deserve to be in the Hall of Fame by herself.”

Disco on Eddie Guerrero standing up to Vince McMahon on creative issues:

“I heard Eddie took no sh*t from Vincent McMahon at all. I’ve had people tell me like, he would say, ‘That’s fu**ing stupid.’ They were giving him stuff and he would go to Vince and cuss him out because he said some of the sh*t was dumb. That just showed you the type of guy Eddie was. He took this business very seriously and he was great. He spoke up for himself and he ended up becoming a WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Maybe that’s what Vince McMahon means by grabbing the brass ring.”

Konnan on Ultimate Warrior cussing Vince McMahon:

“I remember Ultimate Warrior was just destroying him. “We’re talking early either ’89 or ’89. So in WWE at that time, they had the same things we had in WCW. They had those soundproof rooms that you would go into and you would cut regional promos for our house shows and sh*t like that. So it was really late at night. They would cut these promos after the show. So we’re talking like one in the morning, bro. I remember Ultimate Warrior coming out of the thing and he was like, ‘Fu** this. Fu** that.’ He’s like, ‘Calm down Warrior.’ He goes, ‘You can do it tomorrow if you want to. Calm down.’ He was just basically kissing the guy’s ass while the guy was cutting a promo on him in front of everybody. I was thinking to myself, ‘Wow, this guy must make Vince a lot of money for him to let him talk to him like that in front of everybody else.’ and Vince was like, just trying to calm him down.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Keepin’ It 100 with Konnan with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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