Kurt Angle clears up rumor about former WWE star not caring in TNA and only being there for a paycheck

On the latest “Kurt Angle Show” podcast on AdFreeShows.com, WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle cleared up the rumor that Rob Van Dam didn’t care when he was in TNA and was only there for the paycheck:

“That’s Rob. ‘Hey Dude, I’m hanging here. I’m hanging out. I’m cool.’ He just wasn’t vocal. He wasn’t trying to be a leader. He wanted to go there and do his thing and perform. It’s not like he didn’t care about the company. That was Rob. That’s the way he was. If you’re going to care about a company, if you’re Rob Van Dam, as long as you give everything you have in that ring every single night you go out there, that’s all you need from Rob because he’s not going to give you anything more. He’s not going to tell people, ‘Hey, my passion is to make TNA the greatest company in the world.’ Rob is Rob Van Dam and what he’s going to do is he’s going to do it his way, his own thing, and his style at a very high level all the time.”

On if TNA gave him the right push:

“They could have given him a better push. Definitely. I don’t know if they thought that he didn’t care because he had that I don’t care attitude. They might not have known Rob as well as I did, but Rob deserved a better push than he got.”

If he conducted himself the same way in TNA that he did in WWE:

“No difference. He was the same both ways.”

You can listen to the entire podcast at AdFreeShows.com.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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