Kurt Angle says he is “almost fully recovered” after knee surgery from earlier this year

On his latest podcast on AdFreeShows.com, WWE Hall Of Famer Kurt Angle talked about Armageddon 2002 and other wrestling news that was happening around that timeframe.

Angle talked about the original plans leading into WrestleMania XIX:

“What I think they were trying to do was, Brock was undefeated at this point in time kicking ass, taking names. and they wanted him to win the title. He won the title and he only held it for a couple of months, I believe. I was next in line to have a good title reign. They didn’t want me to be Brock at Survivor Series because I was going to wrestle Brock at WrestleMania XIX, five months later, and during that time, I was supposed to beat Brock, but I broke my neck beforehand, so I had to do the job for Brock and lose to him and give him the title because I had to have surgery. So they didn’t want me to beat Brock two times in a row. So Big Show beat Brock Lesnar, then I beat Big Show. That way, I didn’t beat Brock twice, even though he ended up beating me at WrestleMania because I broke my neck.”

“I was supposed to have a title reign for a whole year. That was the whole plan. I was gonna beat Big Show. I was gonna carry it into WrestleMania, beat Brock, and continue on, but unfortunately, I broke my neck in February and I couldn’t because I had to have surgery after WrestleMania.”

Angle talked about how he’s feeling today after his knee surgery that he had six months ago:

“It’s six and a half months from the surgery, and I’m almost fully recovered. It usually takes 9 to 12 months, but I’m there. I’m really happy. My legs are stronger now than they were before surgery. They don’t want me to run yet. Probably in another month or two, I’ll start running again, but I’m not allowed to run very far. I can’t run more than two miles.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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