Mark Henry: I Really Would Rather There Be One Champion and That Champion Work Both Shows But Fox Wants Their Own Champion and So Does USA

Muscle Man Malcolm recently had the opportunity to interview The World’s Strongest Man/former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry. Scroll down to watch the interview. Here are a couple of transcribed highlights:

Mark Henry’s thoughts on WWE creating the World Heavyweight Championship:

“I really would rather there be one champion and that champion work both shows, but I know television. Fox wants their own champion and so does USA. It’s about the dollar at the end of the day.”

Mark Henry’s feelings when he won the world title:

“I’ve felt validation. I felt like I put in a lot of work that people didn’t get to see. An opportunity presented itself that my Q rating in wrestling was as high as all of the top three or four stars, and then all stars aligned and it happened, and it just validated the fact that I am who I said I was.”

Henry’s thoughts on who will take advantage to elevate themselves on Collision:

“Will Hobbs. He’s hungry. He wants it. He wants to be a champion. I’ll put that past talent. I’ll put that past who’s got the most experience. When you really want it, you can’t be denied.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Muscle Man Malcolm with a h/t to for the transcription. 

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