Matt Cardona on Chelsea Green-WWE: ‘I’m so proud of her…Maybe one day we’ll be back together on that main roster’

Matt Cardona was interviewed by JBL and Gerald Brisco on “Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw.” You can read the transcribed highlights below and scroll down to watch the entire interview.

On his dad being a judge on the WBF show:

“My dad was a judge at the first WBF. Remember the World Bodybuilding Federation? My dad owned a bunch of gyms in the Long Island area and he knew Tom Platts. who knew Vince. I guess they were looking for judges, so my dad was a judge of that first WBF contest. I remember he got Macho Man’s autograph for me and Ultimate Warrior’s autograph for me. He was like the coolest dad ever for bringing home Macho Man’s autograph. It was great.”

On his tag team with Curt Hawkins in WWE:

“We both grew up on Long Island, but we didn’t know each other. We grew up like 20 minutes from each other. We were both die hard wrestling fans who wanted to be wrestlers, but had no idea who we were until we got to wrestling school. At first, we hated each other because we were each other’s competition, you know, the same age, the same look, the same height. Then people said, ‘Hey, you guys look alike. You should be a tag team.’ Eventually we did it and that’s when things opened up for us where we realized on the independents that there weren’t that many tag teams at the time and there were so many singles, so let’s try to make it as a tag team. Thank God we did because we got that WWE tryout together. We got signed together. We got sent to Deep South Wrestling, which was the developmental territory, together. Then eventually we debuted in WWE together. So the first five years of our career were all together.”

On if he would like to return to WWE:

“I’ve been doing the independents for two or three years. Of course I’d be lying if I said I don’t want to be on WrestleMania. Of course I want to have a WrestleMania moment and wrestle at Madison Square Garden. Of course I would love to go back home to WWE someday, but because of social media and being able to basically advertise for free, everybody knows what I’m doing, you know, I’m making money. I hate saying this, but it’s true. I made more money last year as an independent pro wrestler than I ever made in WWE. Now that’s because I’ve been busting my fu**ing ass and I’m on this on this phone constantly and putting out new stuff constantly, whether it be my podcasts or videos or clipping out stuff I did on the independents”

On Chelsea Green returning to WWE:

“She’s doing a great job. When she got the opportunity to go back to WWE, selfishly it screws up my whole shtick on the Indies, but I said, ‘Babe, you gotta go back’, because she was there before, but never really had a taste, so this is her taste and she’s been killing it so far. WrestleMania match. I’m so proud of her. She’s got a big women’s tag team title match coming up. Hopefully she does well. She’s having a great time and I’m super proud of her and hey, you never know. Maybe one day we’ll be back together on that main roster. But for now, we’re doing our separate things, but I couldn’t be more proud of her. She’s doing great.”

Click below to watch the interview.

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