Nick Aldis Provides An Update On His Arm After Recent Surgery

WWE SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis was interviewed on Gabby LaSpisa’s Gabby AF podcast. Aldis gave an update on his arm after his arm surgery:

“Before this one, I’ve only had one major surgery my whole career and it was the other bicep. so. It was just a freak thing. Dr. LeClere in Vanderbilt here in Nashville did a phenomenal job. He works on the Nashville Predators and all sorts of high profile athletes and stuff like that. He did a great job. I feel great. In a stupid splint cast thing for a little bit longer and then hopefully I’ll transition to a brace, kind of like the one that we’re seeing Punk wearing. I’ll be switching into one of those hopefully in time for WrestleMania.”

Nick Aldis on Jade Cargill joining SmackDown:

“Jade has been absolutely itching to get started on the main roster. Obviously, I’m very glad that she’s hung her hat on SmackDown with the Blue Brand. I’m not surprised, but certainly pleased that she made the right decision. I can’t make any predictions and I’d like to think that everyone will be professional, but I know that there are quite a few ladies on our roster who might have some choice words for Jade because they obviously feel like she’s been getting a lot of attention and they realize that sometimes the best way to welcome someone to the bigs is to is to kind of show them what’s in store for them if they’re going to compete in the bigs. I’m sure Jade has plenty to say. I think the WWE Universe has been, you know, ever since the Royal Rumble especially, have been really waiting to embrace Jade as part of WWE. I think that the best is very much yet to come with Ms. Cargill, so I’m looking forward to it.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Gabby LaSpisa’s Gabby AF with a h/t to for the transcription. Quotes were transcribed by Jim for

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