PHOTO: The Nation of Domination Recently Reunited

The Nation of Domination recently got together, but not all members were present.

The group was formed in the late 90s in WWE, where they were loosely based on a religious and political organization in the United States, with Farooq as the original leader. Other members included The Rock, Henry The Godfather, and D’Lo Brown. Owen Hart was also part of the group at one point.

The Rock was part of the group and officially took over as the leader in 1998. It helped his career take off once he turned heel along with the other members. When Rock turned back into a babyface, it eventually led to the fall of The Nation as he went on to be a singles star.

One of the more member segments in Raw history was the DX parody of the Nation of Domination that aired in 1998, where members of D-Generation X dressed as members of The Nation. Triple H played the role of The Rock, Billy Gunn as The Godfather, Road Dogg as “B-Lo” (D-Lo Brown), Jason Sensation as Owen Hart, and Sean Waltman dressed as Mark “Mizark” Henry. 

Henry took to Instagram to share the faction’s reunion. Those who were there included Henry, Farooq, Godfather and Brown.

The caption noted, “ Blessed to have had this reunion with my brothers!”

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