Ric Flair Says There Are People Who Are Jealous That He’s Back on TV

Following the news of his multi-year deal with AEW, Ric Flair has been making the media rounds talking about the deal and his energy drink. 

Flair on Woooo! Energy Drink being the official sponsor for AEW:

“It’s a big deal because once it’s seen on national TV, it’s a whole different complexion. It’s worldwide. I mean, those guys did 81,000 People in Wembley Stadium and they’re going back in August, hopefully me with them, but we have a chance to help promote the drink in Europe and all over.”

If he’s going to be on AEW TV on a weekly basis:

“I don’t know. I mean, we’ve got a structured deal in place, but you know me. Have gun will travel if they need me. I’m available and they will always treat me fair. We all want to be together for the show and the guys were great. People were friendly. At my age, the world of jealousy has never been bigger. You don’t think there’s a lot of jealous people that I’m back on TV? You’re out of your mind. You know that adage that you want to see somebody do good, but not too good.”

On what he feel Sting’s legacy is in wrestling:

“Oh God, his legacy is unscathed. I mean, he’s done everything you ever wanted to do and he’s always been, as I said, from the bottom of my heart, there’s not a nicer guy. The two nicest guys in the history of the business, and it’s hard to be nice all the time, are he and Ricky steamboat. I’ve never even seen Sting have a crossword with anybody. He may have had periods of frustration as we all do, but I can never remember him complaining.”

On who he would like to work with:

“I would love to manage Andrade. The one thing I want to do is to be a heel and have a conversation with MJF, a promo battle.”

If Ric Flair is going to have another last match:

“Well, you know I’m up for it, but they won’t let that happen.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit ESPN with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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