Road Dogg names which WWE star can be a top guy but needs to work on his promos

On a recent “Oh You Didn’t Know” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Road Dogg was asked if he feels Braun Strowman can still be a top guy. Strowman was brought back to the company last year but he is currently injured. Strowman was pushed as a monster during his early years with the company and he’s worked on his look and getting in better shape over the last couple of years.

Road Dogg said, “I think, and look, this is just me thinking about how old he is and thinking about, yes, the short answer is yes, he can still be a top guy because I’ve seen him recently go out there and be the most over guy out there in his match and rip that shirt off and people go nuts.”

“When he came back, he has been presenting himself differently and looked at I believe differently, and so yeah, he definitely has some upside still to him and could he be the top guy? Yeah. The only thing that made me pause at all was the promo. I think he just needs to work on his promo still, but he hasn’t had a chance to do a lot of sit down interviews where you hear Braun Strowman, like, where you get to know Braun Strowman. The idea of the monster Braun Strowman turning over a rental bus or whatever is more marketable than hearing the guy talk about his back pain and his reality. You know what I mean, but I think, look, here’s my test. Here’s my test: will he put a three piece suit on and go on the Today Show and sell my company for me, and that’s not my company. I’m just talking like the big guy, and go on and represent and shill my wares in a way that’s positive and promotable, and so I think he could do that. I think he’d probably look great in a friggin suit to tell you the truth and I think he could totally do that. I just think the promo game is the only thing I think would give me pause.”

“Another thing he learned in his off time is don’t take it so seriously, man. You know what I mean? Like it’s okay to have fun out here. Chances are that’s what the people want anyway. He learned, let’s have some fun with this, man. You know what I mean, and still hit people really fast on the run on the ground.”

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