Sabu: Vince McMahon Said I Was Too Dangerous And He Didn’t Want Me Wrestling Rey Mysterio

In an exclusive for, Steve Fall interviewed ECW legend Sabu about his time in ECW, WCW, the WWE ECW reboot, One Night Stand, John Cena, Vince McMahon, and more. The entire interview can be watched below.

Sabu on being fired from ECW:

“Yes and no. I chose New Japan over an ECW date because it was six times the pay. I figured that I missed that show and I told him ahead of time, ‘I’ll miss the show, but I’ll make up for it.’ He said, ‘No. You do that, you’re fired.’ I said, ‘Okay’. So I didn’t think he would really fire me, but he did and the way he did it, I quit. Even if he wasn’t firing me, I would quit anyways, the way he said it. ECW wasn’t my lifeline. Japan was. He wanted me to choose between a minor payoff from him, from them, to a major payoff from Japan. It’s hard to say no when you’re hungry. I’m not starving food-hungry, hungry for success, hungry for more.”

Sabu on being fired from WCW:

“They wanted me to be part of that Cruiserweight division. I said, ‘I don’t want to be a Cruiserweight.’ They said, ‘That’s what you are.’ I said, ‘No, I want to be a heavyweight. ‘Who’s Hogan wrestling? ‘His opponent is picked for the next two years.’ I said, ‘Okay, Sting.’ His opponent is picked for the next two years. I said, ‘F**k it then.’ Paul Heyman and Todd came to me and said, ‘We’re losing the building’, because they set it on fire the month before. Terry Funk and Cactus Jack set it on fire the month before, so the commission was gonna kick them out unless they got me. I came in for one night, the lights out, lights on, lights up. That wasn’t a true jump. That was just an appearance. Nancy and everybody else told Kevin Sullivan and told Bischoff and all that sh*t o they fired me and I quit at the same time. I didn’t want to be there anyways.”

Sabu on his match with Rey Mysterio at ECW One Night Stand 2006 ending abruptly:

“It was supposed to be a no contest someway…double count out, double knockout, both can’t continue. It was my idea for the spot.” Sabu continued, “They planned it for that and then Vince said behind my back that I was too dangerous and he didn’t want me to wrestle Mysterio.”On giving John Cena a black eye in a match:

“I gave him a black eye and he was pissed about that. I gave him a black eye by accident. He gave himself a black eye, I should say.” Sabu said but Vince McMahon and Cena were upset. “Cena was upset because he couldn’t do his movie for a month.” 

Sabu also praised Cena. He said, “Yes, he can dance. He’s got my vote. He deserves his spot. Anybody who is jealous of him. Anybody who talks bad about him is probably jealous. I don’t blame them for being jealous.”

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