Seth Rollins comments on the animosity with Cody Rhodes that nearly led to a fight backstage

Seth Rollins has publicly responded to the interesting reveal from Cody Rhodes earlier this week regarding how there is some friction between them in real life.

When Rhodes returned to WWE last year at WrestleMania 38, he feuded with Rollins as he won his return match. They had a lengthy program, with Rhodes beating him at three straight PLEs.

As previously noted, Rhodes was asked while appearing on the Dan LeBatard Show whether there have been instances of tension leading to backstage fights. He said Rollins was the closest he got to mixing it up for real.

While speaking with Daniel Cormier for ESPN, Rollins was asked about Rhodes’ comments.

“I can’t get into that. So many details on that. There is a level of truth to that. The bottom line is, I feel, based on my body of work and what I’ve contributed to this company over the course of this last decade really, I should be in that position, right?. I’m the one who has held it down while he drifted off and went and did his own thing, respect to him, great. He drifted off and did his own thing,” Rollins stated. “I’m the one who held it down. Whenever everybody got hurt or did something else or went off or took part-time schedules or wanted to do less and ask for more or wanted to go somewhere else because they weren’t happy.

You don’t think there has been plenty of times where I haven’t been happy or plenty of times where I haven’t felt like I’ve been on the short end of the stick? There are a ton of stories I could tell about that, but I don’t, I keep it to myself. I put my head down, I work hard, I vouch for this company. I vouch for this place. I feel like, what he’s getting is not…I’m just not entirely comfortable with it. That just creates some natural friction between the two of us. So, when tempers flare, tempers flare. You know how it is sometimes. There is a little truth to that, but I can’t get into too many details. There is some level of mutual respect, there has to be in this industry, but at the same time, there is animosity as well.”

You can watch the entire interview by clicking on the player below:

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