Sting’s Son Stephen Borden Details Original Entrance Plans For Sting’s Retirement Match

Stephen Borden, the son of Sting, spoke with’s own Steve Fall for a new interview following his participation in his father’s retirement match at AEW Revolution that featured a special entrance.

Sting’s sons Stephen and Garrett participated in Sting’s entrance by dressing up as past versions of Sting. Stephen was the Wolpac version, and Garrett was Surfer Sting.

During the interview, Borden was asked about the process of deciding who was going to be the past version of Sting, and he decided on Wolfpac Sting.

“So originally, it was going to be I was actually just going to be Crow Sting. Garrett was going to do Surfer. The reason why we landed on those two, there was no debate or conversation about it. It was always we just kind of knew Garrett was going to do Surfer and I was going to do some variation of Crow Sting. And then it was actually Darby, who mentioned at one point, man, well, you know, isn’t it kind of weird that Garrett is going to be Surfer and then Stephen is going to be Crow. And then you’re also going to be Crow. He said, ‘That’s my dad.’ So it was actually a good point, you know, we were just I was just going to be the same as him. And we thought, let’s give an opportunity for fans to at least experience a few different eras. And also it provides some contrast, just visually red versus the white and black. So that’s how we landed on that. And then, yeah, the process of the hair. I was pretty bummed that I cut my hair already because it would have been an easier process. Miranda, who did the wig, was just a 45-minute process of getting that thing on there. And I told her to put it as tight as humanly possible. Because the thought of that thing flying off the back of my head, you know, on my dad’s last night would have been it. Actually, it would have been bad enough that it flew off. It would have been worse seeing what was underneath there because in order to get it on. She had to [put] full cap. She had to slick my hair down with a bunch of gel parted down the middle. It would have been horrendous.”

Borden also spoke about the atmosphere backstage at the show, the process of being part of the match, learning how to do the Stinger Splash, and more. Check out the full interview here.

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