Tony Khan is doing things behind the scenes to help Jay Briscoe’s family

The fundraiser to help Jay Briscoe’s wife and kids is closing in on $300,000 and it’s well past the initial goal. The family may be dealing with more medical costs as their daughters recover from their injuries in the coming weeks and months. If you’d like, you can donate by clicking here.

Tony Khan is also doing a lot behind the scenes to help the family but he chose not to publicize it. On the latest “What Happened When” podcast, Conrad Thompson and Tony Schiavone discussed what Tony is doing to help Jay’s family.

Conrad Thompson said, “I don’t mean to betray any confidences, but let me just say this. There’s been lots of rumor and innuendo from really good sources that Tony Khan is who we thought he was and he’s going to do the right thing by that family as well. I don’t think that he would necessarily want anybody to know that information, and we know it’s not your place to talk about it, but I will say that for all the criticism that gets thrown around at Tony this and Tony that, when the chips are down, he’s a dude man.”

Tony Schiavone added, “Tony is a very demanding boss and it makes at times, the week, very difficult, but listen, wrestling has always been difficult behind the scenes. Tony can be very demanding, as a boss can be, but, because he is such a great person, and such a genuine person, and loves the wrestling business, and takes care of his people, it’s worth it working for him. It’s worth the stress that we go through getting a show on because of the person that he is. I know a lot of people give Tony a hard time, but the people that give Tony a hard time, basically online, are, as human beings, not worth a fu**.”

There has been a huge outpouring of public support from people in and out of the wrestling business. Among the top donors to the Briscoe/Pugh fundraiser is Chris Jericho. He donated $15,000. The Young Bucks and the Steen family (Kevin Owens) each donated $10,000 and there were large donations from many others including Brian Last, Pro Wrestling Tee’s Ryan Barkan, Jim Cornette, and Dax Harwood. Again, if you’d like, you can donate to the fundraiser by clicking here.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit with a h/t to for the transcription. 

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