WWE Hall Of Famer was asked about having one last match

Ric Flair’s Last Match was a financial success for the key players involved and it looks like Conrad Thompson has plans for more shows with other legends.

With just over 6,000 fans in attendance, the ‘Last Match’ show in Nashville will go down as one of the most successful independent shows in many years. Thompson recently said on Jeff Jarrett’s podcast that the “Last Match” event is part of a “Master Plan.”

While nothing is confirmed yet, Thompson recently filed to trademark the name “Southwest Championship Wrestling.” That is the name of the promotion that was run by the legendary Joe Blanchard in San Antonio, TX from 1978 until 1985. For what it’s worth, WWE is expected to be in San Antonio for Royal Rumble weekend so it would make sense for Thompson to run a SCW-themed event during Starrcast that weekend. One would assume that Tully Blanchard will be involved with that event, possibly wrestling in the main event for his last match. 

During the latest DDP Snake Pit podcast, Diamond Dallas Page said that Thompson asked him about having one last match.

“It’s nothing I’ll ever do,” DDP said on his podcast. He added, “Conrad was like ‘You know DDP, you’d be perfect to do one of these,’ I was like ‘Nah bro, I’m good. I had my last match, it’s never going to be better than that.’ I was lucky enough to have all my boys around me and it was fun. I’m good with that.”

DDP isn’t the only WWE Hall Of Famer that was approached about having a last match. Mick Foley and Booker T both said that the idea was brought up to them but they declined. Booker said the following on his podcast about a last match with his brother Stevie Ray:

“If my brother wants to do one last match for Starrcast, I’ll be there to watch it. I’ll be in the front row. As far as getting back in the ring and doing Starrcast with Harlem Heat, it ain’t happening. It ain’t ever happening ever again. You guys won’t see Harlem Heat ever again in the ring together. It’s over. It’s done. I’m just putting it out there because that’s just the way I feel about it. Just you bringing it up right now triggers certain things in me right now that makes me not feel real good about Harlem Heat doing anything ever again, honestly.” 

Thanks to Wrestling Inc. for the DDP quote.

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