2018 WWE Mae Young Classic competitor signs with Ring Of Honor

Yesterday, 2018 WWE Mae Young Classic competitor Madison Rayne revealed on The Taz Show that she has signed a deal with Ring Of Honor. Rayne lost in the first round of the Mae Young Classic to Mercedes Martinez in a match that officially aired last week.

Rayne announced to Taz that she has signed a one-year deal with ROH after competing in the tournament:

“Let me preface this by saying that 2018 has been possibly my biggest year in wrestling,” Rayne said. “In 13 years, that’s saying a lot. It’s been very unexpected. A year and a half ago I wasn’t sure I was going to keep wrestling or what my professional career looked like.

“I’ve been able to work every big promotion, I got to do All In and I’m very humbled by all of those experiences. In doing that and having all of those opportunities, I was really give a chance to be able to get in there and see what was going to be best for me, my career, for my family and what made the most sense.

“After a really successful year of being kind of a wrestling nomad, I have found my home and I am so, so happy to announce that I have signed a one-year contract with Ring of Honor.”

Rayne is a five-time TNA Knockouts Champion and first began working for ROH back in November. She has worked several shows for ROH before and has now inked an official deal with the promotion.

H/T Wrestling Inc. for the transcriptions

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