‘The Fiend’ Bray Wyatt referenced in promo that aired in Orlando for the fans attending WWE Raw

WWE reportedly ran a promo for Bray Wyatt during Monday Night Raw.

Reporter Jon Alba was in attendance in Orlando and says that the promo featured Mick Foley and Steve Austin talking about how awesome The Fiend character is.

There were also loud “we want Wyatt” chants during Alexa Bliss’ match against Doudrop. The chants could be heard on the USA broadcast but apparently, they were louder than they came across on TV.

As far as the promo that aired, that could have been something that slipped through the cracks. Wyatt was supposed to return tonight in Orlando but that was before the decision was made to release him.

As noted earlier, Wyatt sent out a tweet that teases something different, perhaps an evolution of the character. It is believed that he will wind up with another wrestling company after his non-compete and likely with a different name since WWE owns “Bray Wyatt” and “The Fiend” character names.

Click here to see Wyatt’s teaser and click here for news on Wyatt’s health, including some debunked rumors about his mental health.

Alba tweeted this about the promo that aired for the fans in Orlando:

Here is a clip of the fans chanting “We Want Wyatt:”

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