A top WWE star was in talks to appear on the first AEW Dynamite

During the Talk ‘N Shop Patreon podcast, The Young Bucks were on with Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson and Rocky Romero. They all talked about how close Gallows and Anderson were to making the jump to All Elite Wrestling. That piece of information is not a secret but the new information that came out during the show was that another big name from WWE was in talks to debut on the first episode of AEW Dynamite. They were careful to not say AJ Styles’ name but it was heavily implied in the conversation below.

The conversation started when Gallows and Anderson were joking around about being released by WWE.

Matt Jackson said, “People don’t realize that when we were pitching to have you guys come in, it wasn’t just going to be the two of you, it was going to be another person who I won’t name, but another Bullet Club person who you may not want to talk about.”

Gallows and Anderson could be heard groaning in the background while Matt was talking since they regretted not making the decision to jump to AEW around that time.

Matt continued, “When we were originally going to do Dynamite, we were going to debut at Madison Square Garden. After the match, three of you, not just the two of you, the three of you were going to jump the guardrail and we were going to have like a Bullet Club reunion. We were gonna throw up the too sweet and then the three of you were going to jump us and make us bloody and destroy us and then we were going to be off to the races. And it obviously didn’t work out. I remember the first guy in this conversation we’re talking about right now, he buzzed us and he’s like ‘I just got too good of an offer, and I would have never got the offer without your guys offer, so I just wanted to say thank you.'”

Matt repeated that this person said, “‘I just wanted to freakin’ say thank you.'”

As Matt said that line, everyone began to laugh because it was an inside joke. “Freakin” is a word that Styles uses since he doesn’t like to curse.

Styles signed a lucrative 5-year deal with WWE in March 2019. The story told basically backs up what Dave Meltzer said about most of the top stars in WWE reaching out to AEW to see if there was interest. Other names that reached out to AEW and ended up with better WWE deals include Randy Orton and Edge.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Talk N Shop podcast on Patreon with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription

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