Adam Cole expresses his excitement about WWE NXT going against AEW

WWE NXT Champion Adam Cole made an appearance on SiriusXM’s Busted Open Radio on Monday to talk about the big news that NXT will be going to network television.

Cole discussed how it is an incredibly exciting time for pro wrestling and wrestling fans.

“I stand by the fact that I really do think, bell-to-bell, NXT puts on the best shows on the planet. I stand by that. To now get a chance to do that on such a huge stage weekly on USA Network, two hours live every week, it’s exciting.”

Mark Henry brought up the competition that NXT will face by going head-to-head with AEW on TNT starting in October. Cole knows that there will be comparisons but Cole thinks NXT got on the USA for the work that they did not because of AEW.

“There’s no question. Of course there’s going to be a lot of comparisons. Obviously, we’re going [to be] live at the same exact time. There’s these new Wednesday Night Wars that people are calling it, but NXT did get to the USA Network based on the work within NXT. I’ve been hearing for weeks and weeks and weeks that NXT is the third brand. Now we have a chance to prove it on the USA Network.

You can listen to the entire clip by clicking on the player below:

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