AEW Dynamite Results for June 8, 2022

AEW Dynamite
June 8th, 2022
The Cable Dahmer Arena
Independence, Missouri

Welcome to our live coverage of AEW Dynamite, which is emanating from The Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, Missouri. Announced for tonight’s show, Dynamite will kick off with a battle royal where the winner will face Jon Moxley in the main event, the winner of that match will advance to The Forbidden Door to challenge for the interim AEW world championship. Also announced for tonight’s show, “Hangman” Adam Page will take on David Finlay.

Match 1: Casino Battle Royal 

– The match starts off with Eddie Kingston and Daniel Garcia brawling, Tony Nese, Lance Archer, Daniel Garcia, DarbyAllin, and Eddie Kingston are the first five, Archer then lands a chokelsam on Nese, Darby then uses the skateboard on the back and stomach of Archer, Darby and Eddie then begin to brawling Eddie then chokes Darby with his boot under the first rope, Ricky Starks then makes it to the ring, Darby lands a code red on Starks, Jake Hager then enters the match, along with Rey Fenix, Swerve Strickland, and Keith Lee, Keith Lee lands a headbutt on Nese, Swerve then lands an enzuigiri on Nese, Swerve then hits a jumping elbow from the middle rope to the back of Nese, Swerve and Nese fight on the apron, Smart Mark Sterling grabs the leg of Swerve, allowing Nese to land a running big boot, Keith Lee then pushes Tony Nese off the apron, making him the first man eliminated, Archer then lands a running crossbody on Keith Lee, Archer throws him out but he lands on the apron, Keith Lee then picks up Archer in a powerbomb position, Archer tries to hold on but is eliminated, John Silver then comes out next, along with Max Caster as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see our next entrants, Powerhouse Hobbs, Bobby Fish, Kyle O’Reilly, Dante Martin, and Wheeler Yuta, Darby Allin lands a coffin drop from the top rope to the outside, taking out O’Reilly and Fish, Fenix then locks Dante in a keglock inbetween the ropes, Keith Lee then eliminates Max Caster, Fenix then lands a double cutter on Austin and Colten Gunn, Keith Lee then eliminates Austin and Colten, Swerve then eliminates his friends, Keith Lee. The last entrant is Andrade El Idolo, Andrade immediately goes after Darby, Powerhouse Hobbs then eliminates John Silver off the apron with a running splash, Takeshita and Hobbs then exchange punches and forearms, Hibbs and Starks then eliminate Takeshita, Dante runs at Starks but Starks holds down the top rope, eliminating Dante Martin, Fenix then lands a jumping kick from the second rope to eliminate Ricky Stacks, Swerve then lands a roundhouse kick on Andrade lzn followed by a coffin splash in the corner from Darby and a running forearm from Swerve, we see a replay showing that Eddie Kingston eliminated Daniel Garcia but pushing him off thr apron, Darby then eliminates Bobby Fish, Swerve then eliminates Darby, Andrade then eliminates Swerve, Fenix then lands an armdrag into a standing footstomp into the chest of Andrade, Hobbs then lands a spinebuster on Fenix, Hobbs tries to eliminate Fenix but Yuta comes from behind and eliminates Hobbs, Andrade, Fenix, Kyle O’Reilly, and Wheeler Yuta are the final four, Kyle O’Reilly and Andrade work together, Yuta then lands a dropkick from the top rope to Andrade, Yuta lands a german suplex on O’Reilly but O’Reilly lands a rebound closeline from the ropes, Fenix then lands a roundhouse kick on Andrade, Andrade then eliminates Fenix after hitting him with a lowblow, Andrade is then eliminated, the final two, Yuta and O’Reilly exchange blows on the apron, O’Reilly then lands a dragon screw on the leg of Yuta inbetween the ropes, O’Reilly then lands a running knee to eliminate Yuta and to win the battle royal.

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly at 24:56.

– Moxley says that for three years he’s been blazing the trail for AEW and NJPW, Moxley says that he said in January he was going to grab wrestling by the balls, Moxley says that this tournament, opportunity, and The Forbidden Door belong to him, Moxley says that AEW, NJPW, and this entire sport belong him.

– We get a video package highlighting a new championship coming to AEW, the All-Atlantic championship.

Match 2: Buddy Matthews vs Pac 

– The match starts off with both men locking up, Buddy gets Pac in an armlock, Pac rolls out but Buddy once again locks in an armlock, Buddy then takes Pac over with a headlock, Pac and Matthews then exchange takedowns and fast pinfall attempts, Buddy then lands a shoulder tackle but Pac is immediately up, Pac then lands a shoulder tackle, Pac then lands a hurricarana on Buddy, Pac rolls to the outside as Buddy runs back in, Pac then runs back in the ring as Buddy runs to the outside as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Buddy landing shoulder tackles into the stomach of Pac from the apron, Pac then lands a knee to the face of Buddy, followed by a tilt-a-whirl DDT from inbetween the ropes, both men then exchange a series of blows in the middle of the ring, Pac then lands a spinning leg kick to the stomach of Buddy, Buddy then lands a running uppercut on Pac, Pac then lands a superkick on Buddy, Buddy then lands a jumping knee, Pac then lands a german suplex, followed by a lariat, sending both men to the mat below, Pac then lands a side kick to the face of Buddy, who’s seated on the top rope, Buddy sunset flips behind Pac before landing a Liger bomb for a nearfall, Buddy then traos Pac’s head inbetween the turnbuckles, Buddy then lands a superkick, Pac then lands a reverse hurricarana, followed by a running kick to Buddy in the corner, Pac then hits the black arrow for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Pac at 10:44.

– Eddie Kingston says that Jake Hager cost him a chance to be world champion, Eddie says that he’s still going to get his hands on Jericho, Kingston then calls out Hager to a match Friday, on Rampage.

– Trent Beretta is in the ring, he says that its suppose to be national friends day but his friends aren’t here, Trent says that Roppongi Vice deserve one more chance at the ROH tag titles, Trent then calls out FTR, FTR then come out. Cash Wheeler says that they want to come out night after night and prove that they are the best tag team on the planet, Dax Harwood says that if it was up to them they’d have the match now but Trent’s partner is in Japan, Dax says that Trent should be mad at Will Ospreay, Will Ospreay then come out, the rest of United Empire attack FTR from behind, Ospreay then hits Trent in the back of the head with an elbow.

– William Regal tells Kyle O’Reilly that he needs to think of his wife and kids when Moxley is kicking his head in, Adam Cole then wishes O’Reilly the best.

– Adam Cole makes his entrance, he will be on commentary for “Hangman” Adam Page vs David Finlay.

Match 3: Adam Page vs David Finlay 

– The match starts off with both men locking up,  both men push each other in the corner before locking up once again, Finlay then lands a standing dropkick on Page, Finlay then takes down Page with an armlock, Page then catches Finlay, allowing him to land a snap suplex, Page then lands two stiff chops on Finlay, Page then lands a forearm on Finlay, knocking him off the apron, Page then hits Finlay with a suicide dive, Finley then lands a chop block on the back of the leg of Page as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Finlay attempt to lock Page in a sharpshooter but Page kicks hum off, Page then catches Finlay before landing a fallaway slam, Page then lands a running closeline to Finlay in the corner, followed by a chop, Page then closelines Finlay on the apron, before landing a crossbody to the outside, Finlay then lands an elbow to the face of Page, Finlay runs at Page but Page catches him and lands a powerbomb for a nearfall, Finlay then lands a backbreaker on Page but only gets a two count, Finlay then lands a running uppercut to Page in the corner, Finlay then lands two uppercuts on Page, Finlay lands a rolling elbow strike but Page lands a lariat, Page then lands the buckshot lariat for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Adam Page at 10:21. 

– After the match, Page says that there’s alot he wants to say about the AEW World championship, but tonight isn’t the night because he wasn’t in the Battle Royal and he won’t get the chance soon, Page says that he remembered that there isn’t only one world championship in wrestling, Page then says he wants the NJPW champion Okada at Forbidden Door, Adam Cole interrupts, Cole says that Hangman lost the AEW world championship and he won the Owen Hart foundation tournament, Cole says that if anyone deserves a chance at the IWGP championship, it’s him. Cole says that Page’s time has come and gone and AEW is all about him.

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring, he introduces Wardlow. Wardlow welcomes Kansas City to Wardlow’s world, Wardlow says that he asked to not take part in the battle royal because CM Punk is our champion and if he isn’t making him tap or pinning him, he doesn’t want it. Wardlow says that he’s waiting for Punk once he comes back, Wardlow then says that he wants the TNT title, Scorpio Sky then interrupts, Sky starts to walk down to the ring but Dan Lambert and Ethan Page run out at stop him, Wardlow says that he will wait until Scorpio’s 110% to challenge him for the TNT title.

– The Young Bucks and The Hardy Boyz argue who deserve a tag title match next, Christian Cage then proclaims that next week on Dynamite, The Hardy Boyz vs The Young Bucks vs Jurassic Express will happen in a ladder match.

Match 4: AEW Women’s championship: Thunder Rosa (c) vs Marina Shafir 

– Tje match starts off with both women locking up, both women refuse to let go, Marina then lands a knee to the stomach of Rosa, followed by a series of strikes in the corner, Rosa counters and locks in an armlock, Rosa then lands three stiff chops to Marina in the corner, followed by a series of forearms, Rosa then drops to the knee before landing a punch on the face of Marina, Marina then lands a snap suplex on Rosa as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Rosa land a kick to the stomach of Marina, Rosa then lands a running closeline to Marina in the corner, followed by dropping the knees into the stomach, Rosa then lands a northern lights suplex but only gets two, Marina then kicks the leg of Rosa, knocking her down, Marina then lands a modified pump-handle slam on Rosa for a two count, Rosa then lands a death valley drop on Marina for a two count, Marina goes for a facebuster but Rosa counters into a rollup for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall and STILL AEW Women’s champion: Thunder Rosa at 8:25.

– After the match, Marina Shafir attacks Rosa, Marina locks Rosa in an arm/leg stretch submission but Toni Storm comes out and lands a dropkick on Marina, followed by a german suplex, Rosa then lands a Michinoku driver on Shafir, Toni Storm then reluctantly hands Rosa her women’s championship.

Match 5: Jon Moxley vs Kyle O’Reilly

– The match starts off with Kyle trying to take down Moxley but Moxley rolls over him, Kyle tries to lock in an armbar but Moxley avoids it, Moxley then lands a takeover for a once count, Kyle then kicks the back of Moxley’s leg in the ropes, Moxley then locks in an arm keylock, Moxley then stretches Kyle’s fingers apart, Moxley attempts an armbar, Kyle counters and attempts an armbar, Moxley then lands four stomps to the head of O’Reilly, both men then exchange forearms in the ring, Kyle then kicks at the legs of Moxley, Kyle then lands a series of kicks to the chest of Moxley in the corner, Moxley runs at Kyle in the corner but Kyle dropkicks the knee of Moxley, turning him inside out, Kyle then lands a dragon screw to Moxley in the ropes, Kyle then lands a knee drop from the top rope to the leg of Moxley who is caught in the ropes as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see both men on the top rope, Moxley then lands a takeover suplex on Kyle from the top, both men exchange punches and kicks, both men then kick each other at the same time, Moxley locks in a cross face chicken wing but Kyle gets in the rope, Moxley then lands a lariat for a nearfall, Kyle then lands a series of kicks to the back of Moxley, Moxley then lands a series of elbows to the side of O’Reilly’s head, Moxley then lands a cutter on Kyle, Moxley then goes for a piledriver but Kyle counters into a dragon sleeper attempt, Kyle then turns it into an ankle lock but Moxley punches his way out of it, Moxley then lands a piledriver on Kyle for a nearfall, both men then exchange forearms and slaps, Kyle then kicks Moxley in the back of the head, Kyle lands a german suplex but Moxley lands one of his own, both men then closeline each other as they fall in the ring, Moxley then locks Kyle in a bulldog choke, Moxley then lands a knee to the top of Kyle’s head, followed by a running knee and the paradigm shift for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Jon Moxley at 14:15. 

– AEW Dynamite ends with Jon Moxley celebrating.



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