Arn Anderson: “Fit Finlay is responsible for a lot of the success of the ladies in this industry”

Arn Anderson took questions from fans on an “Ask Arn Anything” edition of his podcast. Arn took questions about his career in Jim Crocket Promotions, WWE, WCW, and AEW.

Here are some highlights:

Arn was asked about the pop he received when he gave the spinebuster to The Undertaker in his match against Ric Flair at WrestleMania X8: “I think it may have been #1 (pop). I’ve hit Hulk Hogan with spinebusters and that was a pretty big pop. It don’t suck. I’ve hit Randy Savage. I’ve hit Vader. I’ve hit some prominent guys with spinebusters. Sting. The Steiner Brothers. It’s like, it don’t suck, trust me. You get a reaction because the audience is not used to those guys getting manhandled to be perfectly honest with you. But The Undertaker, the reason this was so special is the fact that I was able to sneak down there and nobody saw me until I got there. The layout of the way the finish went down, it absolutely wreaked of a screwjob. It wasn’t like I just ran down there and everybody saw me, I slid in the ring and hit a spinebuster. It was well done. Laid out well.  The sequence. Everyone was where they needed to be. I believe that audience, believe it or not, believed the screw was in. I think they thought Flair was going to go over and that buttoned the whole thing up.”

Arn was asked how talents are paired with agents: “Random. Other than the fact that Michael Hayes took a lot of the, or most of the, not all, but a lot of the gimmick matches, because that was his forte, the TLC matches and things like that. He had a good rapport with The Dudleys and The Hardys and all those guys, Edge and Christian. He had a good rapport with those guys. I was handed John Cena by Vince and said, ‘Ok Arn. Here he is. Teach him how to work.’ It was just that simple. But, other than that, Finlay had the women and I need to stop right here. If you have respect or if you are really loving the evolution of the women’s division, you better go find Fit Finlay, shake his hand, pat him on the a*s, and hand him some cash. He is single handedly responsible for their evolution. Make no mistake about it. He taught the ladies the difference in being able to have a chocolate milk match or a mud bath match or whatever the case might be, to becoming workers.  He’s the guy that had the most to do with that.  Make no mistake and he should get a hell of a lot more credit than what he does because he turned the ladies into warriors and if they tell the truth, they will tell you that.  I think that’s one of those things that should be mentioned.  It should be reminded to a lot of people that forget that Fit Finlay is responsible for a lot of the success of the ladies in this industry.”

You can listen to the entire show now at

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit ARN (Arn Anderson’s podcast) with a h/t to for the transcription

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